Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Brief Summary on Rebuttal

             How much is too much when it comes to protecting your kids from Sexual Predators. Whether it’s through the phone, or the web, technology has become a major source of communication for predators to interact with children. Therefore we must take extra precaution when dealing with kids who are constantly open to this technology. There are some “parents” like Lenore Skenazy that think that if parents try to prevent every possible danger in a child’s life, then that child never get a chance to grow up. She also believes that if we don’t give our kids freedom then we are taking away any sense of self-confidence or pride in them. I’m in total disagreement with her, I think that letting your kids do as they please is not a sign good parenting skills. Parents need to become more involve in a child life, like educating them about the dangers of online predators, and the dangers of giving their number away to  strangers. In 2009 the Online Victimization of Youth reported that %8 of the youth in their survey have actually met with someone met online. With this alarming number how can one not be worried about our children’s safety. Lenore Skenazy is the same women that lets her 9 year old child ride the subway alone, therefore I wouldn’t find any credibility in her opinion.


Duque, Chris, ed. Internet Safety Awards. Aikea808/CyberW0rx.8o8, LLC, 2010. Web. 7 Feb. 2011. <>.

Thiere, Adam. "Free-Range Kids by Lenore Skenazy: Bringing Some Sanity Back to Parenting Debates." Techliberation. Thesis WordPress, 5 June 2009. Web. 16 Feb. 2011. <>.

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