Thursday, April 14, 2011

Blod 6 "Visual Intro"


  1. Body image is a huge deal with young kids, teens, and adults. Everywhere we go, all we see is images of “Beautiful people” Although, beautiful doesn’t mean being skinny or having a six pack. We all have our definition of beauty. For instance, a smile can be beautiful thing for me. I think that the media tries to reach for perfection when there is no such thing as perfection.

  2. I am very fortunate that I have raised two daughters that are strong, confident women. I am proud of myself as a mother and give myself a pat on the back because I have taught them since they were little, that everyone's body is different. I showed them that it is important to stay active, if your clothes are getting a little tight, still eat what you want, just cut back on the portions that is eaten. Our society pisses me off with this issue. I am mad at the media, the advertisers, and the parents who do not teach their children to love themselves.
